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E3 project research present at the ACCC seminar

Writer: E3 Pandemic ResponseE3 Pandemic Response

Arto Säämnen
Arto Säämänen (VTT)

Several of our great experts and researchers attended at the 3rd ACCC Impact Week 2024 in the Pandemic Response -session earlier this month presenting their research to the public.

The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) is a Finnish Flagship  constituted by the University of Helsinki, Tampere University, University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute. They are working to address two of the most urgent global Grand Challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality.

The event was arranged at Sofia Cultural Center, Helsinki 8-12 April 2024.

Mikko Auvinen
Mikko Auvinen (Finnish Meteorological Institute)

Speakers from our project in the event:

Topi Rönkkö, Tampere University: E3 Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions, Project introduction

Ville Vartiainen, Helsinki University Hospital HUS: Preliminary results from E3 daycare


Ville Silvonen, Tampere University: Indoor and outdoor particulate matter

concentrations and the effect of portable air filtration units in urban day cares

Mikko Auvinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute: Indoor aerosol dispersion modelling:

results from the E3 project.

Sampo Saari, Tampere University of Applied Sciences: Measurement of human

respiratory aerosol emissions

Ilpo Kulmala and Arto Säämänen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Estimation

of airborne infection transmission risk in indoor environments.

Petteri Marjanen, Tampere University: Investigating volatile organic compounds emitted

by infected cells.


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