In the latest study the team is trying to find out how different ventilation systems affect the simulated office air
E3 project research present at the ACCC seminar
Sharing knowledge with P3Venti in Netherlands
The important collaboration with Romania was showcased in a seminar
Greetings from Australia: Science in the sun
Sosiaalityöntekijää kiinnostaa, millä tavoin lasten sairastavuus vaikuttaa perheiden arkeen?
Ideoita tutkimukseen E3 Tackling pandemics -seminaarista
Ulkoinen turvallisuus on kunnossa – olisiko seuraavaksi sisätilojen infektioturvallisuuden aika
What happens when you make an intervention in a hospital where there’s no air conditioning?
Events and appearances
E3 seminar: How to make hospitals health safe? Bucharest, Romania 14.12.2023
Room Vent 2024, Helsinki 22.-25.4.2024