From nanoparticles to airborne viruses – A lifelong journey with air quality
Nanohiukkasista nokipalleroihin – Ilmanlaatuekspertin elämä rakentui alusta asti alan ympärille
Great possibilities for an innovative company
The biobank is a self-enriching treasure chest and a cornerstone of clinical research
Halton’s mission is strongly in line with the targets of E3
Suomalaiset eturivin oopperalaulajat auttavat selvittämään aerosolierityksen eroja E3-hankkeessa
Biopankki on itseään rikastuttava aarrearkku ja kliinisen tutkimuksen kulmakivi – Avuksi myös E3:ssa
Finnish frontline opera singers helping E3 to define the difference between human beings as emitters
Behind the curtains of E3 project: How well can the coughing head robot simulate human aerosols
Events and appearances
E3 seminar: How to make hospitals health safe? Bucharest, Romania 14.12.2023
Room Vent 2024, Helsinki 22.-25.4.2024