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E3 Excellence in
Pandemic Response
and Enterprise Solutions
The main goal of this project was to develop solutions that allow the various functions of society to continue uninterrupted and people to continue to move and live safely despite the epidemics and pandemics.
This project ended Oct 31, 2024.
We are still releasing scientific publications and results
within a year after the project has ended.

As a massive multidisciplinary project the E3 produces a great amount of interesting research data, articles, blogs, and updates about all the ongoing actions. New material is released all the time.

News in English

News in Finnish
Project information
22 companies
7 research organizations
12 million €
6 work packages
3 use cases
3 years
International cooperation
The E3 project wants to harness modern science and technology to create effective countermeasures to prevent the spreading of novel infectious diseases.
To achieve its goals, E3 has
7 research organizations
and 22 companies working for this historic large-scale multidisciplinary joint innovation project.

For more information
Project Coordinator
Research organizations
Jari Erkkilä
Tamlink Ltd.
p. +358 40 513 6917
Tampere University:
Piia Sormunen
p. 050 476 6731
Topi Rönkkö
p. 040 198 1019
Tampere University of Applied Sciences:
Kari Kallioharju
p. +35840 801 6509
Helsinki University:
Tarja Sironen
p. +358 504 471588
Helsinki University Hospital, HUS:
Enni Sanmark
p. +35840 844 6940
Aku Karvinen
p. +358 40 510 2142
Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare, THL:
Martin Täubel
P. +35829 524 6466
Finnish Meteorological Institute, FMI:
Antti-Pekka Hyvärinen
p. +35829 539 5444
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, TTL:
Sirpa Laitinen
p. +358 30 474 7233

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